Health Fair Marketing Is a great way for your company to promote a healthy lifestyle. Give great promotional items to motivate your valuable employees to excel ode and proper nutrition.
Planning a health Fair requires some planning and items that reinforce your company message about healthy living. Creating a marketing plan that uses logos and tag line messaging will maximize your commitment to healthy lifestyles.
Need help with a graphic for healthy living. Use a full service promotional product company like TY Ink Promotions. They have a full time graphic artist that will transform your words into pictures. TY Ink has professional sales staff that will help meet your messaging and budget needs. They have the latest cool stuff that will have people lining up at your booth to get it and your message on healthy lifestyles. Here are some sample ideas of Health Fair Marketing.
Drawstring bags
everyone needs something to carry gym clothes to work. Eliminate the excuse of not having something to wear to workout by giving a cute drawstring bag. Put your logo and a tag line to sell working out it’s inexpensive and useful.
Sunglassses or sunscreen
Promote outside activities with things that protect the eyes or the skin. Logo eyewear promotes your company as you walk around. Looking for a useful inexpensive giveaway? Give sunscreen to employees for healthy tanning.
USB items
Give away a USB fan to cool off after a post lunch walk. They are great giveaways and everyone will want one. Use it as a prize to a lunch walking group. Put your logo on the base so everyone knows where they got it.
TY Ink Promotions can help with all your health Fair planning needs. Call them at 502.394.0802 and they will help you make your booth a big success and improve employee health and wellness.