TY Ink Promotions has the best selection of Drawstring bags and Drawstring backpacks.

Looking to promote your school with a logo drawstring bag or drawstring backpack? We can hel you build your brand by putting your logo on drawstring bags you give away or sell. Let your logo drawstring bag sell your business for you. It is a walking billboard for your school or business
clear view drawstring bag
Great drawstring bag for events that require clear view of contents
drawstring bag
Polyester drawstring bag that is water resistant and stylish.

TY Ink Promotions can logo these school backpacks so it is eye catching and sells your business or school. Need a cinch bag in polyester, cloth or see thru vinyl. TY Ink can handle it. Our design team can make your logo pop so it gets maximum value on the cinch bag.

TY INK Promotions has the best drawstring bags and drawstring backpacks

Ask about our college scholarship program. Buy your backpacks for college and we’ll donate 3% to your college scholarship program. We support colleges and schools by words and actions. College education is important and we are blessed to be able to help students attain their education goals. have your alumni or development office contact us and we can enroll you immediately.

3% college scholarships for your schools purchase of logo Drawstring bags and Logo drawstring backpacks.http://tyinkpromotions.com/3-back-program/

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